Die Rendsburger Zeichnerei – Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider 2019
In August I chaired the long-established drawing course Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider for the first time. The class was established by poet and draughtsman F. W. Bernstein in the year 1990. He held the leadership for 15 years, followed by Bernd Stolz, Tom Breitenfeld and me. F. W. Bernstein was cofounder of the satirical magazines Titanic and Pardon and member of the artistic movement Die neue Frankfurter Schule. Since 1990 the course meets every summer for a full week of sketching, drawing and doing comical art at the Nordkolleg in Rendsburg.
It was very exciting to chair the course because I had been a member of the class for 15 years before I changed to the teacher’s desk. The class mates met me with a warm response and made me feel very comfortable. I’m absolutely happy with my new task as leader of it all – already looking forward to the next Trainingslager an der Eider!
Each year we invite a guest artist who enriches the class with her or his workshop and special assignments. This year we were happy to welcome the Swedish artist Mattias Adolfsson as our guest.
He delighted us with an impressive presentation of his work, doing live drawings and giving thrilling assignments. It took only a short time until the corkboards were filled with many terrific drawings by the class members. It was a pleasure to cooperate with Mattias and to do lots of funny drawings on the teacher’s desk.
Good news for those who missed this class with Mattias: He will come back to Rendsburg for one more workshop in November 2021! Find more information here!
Here are some impressions of our class at the Nordkolleg:
This year’s main subject was maritime drawings and scenes at the Kiel-Canal: Behemoths of the Kiel-Canal by Thomas Pepper Pietrzyk and Peter P. Neuhaus
We do a collective doodle for the Nordkolleg staff every year, this time we drew a big container ship:
But a workshop with Mattias wouldn’t be entire without drawings of robots or strange machines: Please draw me by Lilian Gremmer.
Moreover we drew funny safety instructions for people who draw and character designs of the class mates: Zeichenbock by POLO and Drawing Safety Instructions by Tibor Rácskai
I’m responsible for our traditional assignments that F. W. Bernstein used to set right from the beginning of the course in 1990. The animal of the day is one funny task as well as drawings to bring J. W. Goethe’s birthday to mind. Goethe portraits by Ari Plikat and Peter P. Neuhaus, Grölsardine by Ari Plikat and Leuchtgarnele by Carlotta Fuchs:
The class took place for the 30th time this year. We celebrated the jubilee with an exhibition of the participants‘ drawings and a smashing vernissage and party at the Nordkolleg. The exhibition is open to the public during opening hours of the Nordkolleg until November 2019. A nice exhibition catalogue is available, please contact the Nordkolleg for further information.
Here you can read more about Die Rendsburger Zeichnerei and the great educational institute Nordkolleg Rendsburg with its beautiful garden close to the Kiel-Canal.
Der Kurs war wunderbar liebe Lotte! Vielen Dank nochal für die super Zeit 🙂
Danke Samy, freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat! Ich freue mich schon aufs nächste grafische Trainingslager und hoffe, du bist dann auch wieder dabei. Liebe Grüße!