Inkbuddies Zeichenworkshops (D)Click here for the English version of the article 1. Inkbuddies Zeichenworkshops – Eine Idee wird lebendig Alles begann in der Hochsaison der Corona Pandemie 2020. Diese Zeit war geprägt von Ängsten und Sorgen, von Lockdowns, Isolation und Einsamkeit. Ich hatte plötzlich viel mehr Zeit und vermisste den Kontakt zu Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen. Also meldete […] weiterlesenInkbuddies drawing workshops (E)Click here for the German version of the article 1. An idea comes to life In the year 2020 I took part in a few online drawing workshops. It was the height of the Corona pandemic, a time of extreme anxiety coupled with the painful experience of lockdowns and loneliness. During these online workshops we […] weiterlesenInktober 2022Drawing challenge – Inktober 2022 It is October and Inktober again! This means 31 drawings in 31 days. I follow the official Inktober prompt list by Jake Parker who is the founder of the Inktober challenge. This year I decided to do my Inktober drawings by using black ink, pencils and a selection of coloured […] weiterlesenMy drawings 2021Corona drawings and drawing adventures 2021 During the early spring 2021 the corona lockdown continued. Nearly every week there were new rules by the government, shops and cultural establishments closed, home office and social isolation everywhere. »Sorry we’re closed« – hundreds of little vacant chairs, pencil sketch and large ink drawing. I remember it […] weiterlesenIllustration Masterclass 2021In November 2021 a new illustration masterclass took place for the very first time at the Nordkolleg in Rendsburg. 12 participants from all over Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Denmark travelled all the way to Rendsburg in order to draw funny characters and crowded scenes with the Swedish artist Mattias Adolfsson and me. Due to Corona […] weiterlesenInktober 2021Drawing challenge Inktober 2021 It is October and Inktober again! This means 31 drawings in 31 days. I follow the official Inktober prompt list by Jake Parker who is the founder of the Inktober challenge. This year I decided to do my Inktober drawings by using only black ink and pencils. The second restriction I […] weiterlesenCorona Drawings 2020The moment Corona reached Germany, people started to behave like in an end time horror movie. They bought tons of toilet paper, noodles, flour and yeast. There were empty shelves everywhere in the supermarkets. I still wonder, what people did with all the hoarded stuff! I love to bake bread and I was so puzzled […] weiterlesenInktober 2020In diesem Beitrag gibt es alle 31 Zeichnungen meiner Inktober-2020-Serie zu sehen. In dieser Reihe habe ich mich auf Zeichnungen mit blauer Tusche und leichten farblich passenden Schattierungen beschränkt. Im Lauf der Serie hat sich eine seltsame Freundschaft zwischen Katze und Hase entwickelt. Viel Spaß mit den beiden! Here you can find my complete collection […] weiterlesenDas kann ja heiter werden!F.W. Bernsteins grafisches Trainingslager an der Eider bekommt eine eigene Ausstellung im schönsten Museum der Welt, dem Caricatura Museum Frankfurt! Das ist eine große Ehre und Freude für alle Teilnehmenden des Seminars, das seit 1990 jedes Jahr in der letzten Augustwoche im Nordkolleg Rendsburg stattfindet. Das Caricatura Museum liegt im Herzen von Frankfurt, es präsentiert […] weiterlesenDrawing in Rendsburg 2019Die Rendsburger Zeichnerei – Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider 2019 In August I chaired the long-established drawing course Das grafische Trainingslager an der Eider for the first time. The class was established by poet and draughtsman F. W. Bernstein in the year 1990. He held the leadership for 15 years, followed by Bernd Stolz, Tom […] weiterlesen